When I schedule a meeting in Lotus Notes,and someone accepts I get an acceptance notification. Short of saving all those, is there any way to view who has or has not accepted the invitation

2 Answers 2


If you do not delete these responses (I personally put them in a special folder), then you can open the meeting and in the Action bar you will find "Owner Actions" and there the possibility to check the status of the invitees. Here you find a good description of the whole process and in the section Invitee status the answer to your question.


You should be able to simply right click the calendar event and select show status of invited persons (or similar) to see a list of all invitees and their reaction.
(At least in IBM Notes v9.0.1, but I believe this feature was present in previous versions, too.)

You can then switch between All invitees, Accepted only, Rejected only or No answer at the top of the status window.


In my experience, for this feature to work, you don't have to keep the reply messages - I delete mine immediately and still see correct information in the calendar event.

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