I have Sublime Text 3, and I followed the instructions to install the package manager:

Git Install

Since Sublime Text 3 no longer extracts the contents of .sublime-package files by default, and the fact that Package Control needs to read CA cert files from disk for SSL certificate verification, the only viable install method right now is via Git.

Please note, the Packages/ folder listed below refers to the folder that opens when you use the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu.

cd Packages/
git clone https://github.com/wbond/sublime_package_control.git "Package Control"
cd "Package Control"
git checkout python3

However when I search for the package control command by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P, I don't see it.

How do I properly install the package manager?

  • did you follow the instructions completely? Do you now have a Packages/Package Control directory? Did you restart ST3?
    – MattDMo
    Commented Jul 17, 2013 at 14:41
  • 2
    Use View > Show Console to reveal the Sublime Text console and note any messages you see appear here when you start Sublime. They can be a bit cryptic but can often point to the issue. Also note any messages that appear when you paste the Package Control installation code into the console.
    – Perry
    Commented Oct 16, 2013 at 19:23
  • The Instructions given at the webpage that MattDMo links to should be sufficient... just paste the python code into sublime (edit view) and make sure there's no leading spaces (indentation matters in python), and then paste into and execute in ST3's console.
    – AllanLRH
    Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 1:01

1 Answer 1


It seems one of the earliest releases of ST3 lists Package Control itself among the packages ignored by control bar. Open Packages => Settings and remove Package Control from the list of ignored_packages.

enter image description here

Tracked here.

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