My Azure (MSDN-based) account is tied to a different email address than my Office 365 account. I'm finding it impossible to login to one if previous browser sessions had been logged into the other. I'm having to delete cookies to achieve authentication. Need a work around badly. Need something beside the bad workaround of using different browsers. ;)

No offense intended to Mr. Gannon's suggestion - I get that it's probably the best to be had for most situations.

I'd like to try barking up a different tree - is the conflict 'cookie-based'? I'm thinking it'd have to be since all browser's i've tried show the same problem - if so, can't a commandline or bit of javascript simply delete one or the other's cookies?


3 Answers 3


Use different browsers for Office365 and Azure.

  • 1
    If using Chromium-derived browser, you can use built-it profiles to achieve this. Commented Jun 29, 2013 at 21:45
  • That is good information. I use Chrome for Office365 webapp but Internet Explorer for SharePoint. I wonder if Azure is more friendly than SharePoint to non-IE browsers. Commented Jun 29, 2013 at 21:58
  • Since more ppl inside MS nowadays use Chrome than IE, I suspect, yes, Azure is at least not-webkit-hostile ;) Commented Jun 29, 2013 at 22:05

Finding it preferable to use Privacy mode (private browsing / incognito) for Azure.

  • Roger that! Go private mode, the Azure "management interface" is apparently at manage.windowsazure.com which throws you to some looong URL based in "login.microsoftonline.com". (Using the "login.microsoftonline.com" URL directly won't work at all and will ferry you off to Office365-land). After entering Azure creds the screen says "login failed". Click on "Sign in with Microsoft account". The screen morphs, you end up at login.live.com and it says "Sign in to Azure". Enter credentials again. You arrive at manage.windowsazure.com, but logged in ... the mind boggles. Commented Nov 25, 2015 at 19:34

I had the same problem and it is so frustrating.

Try adding your O365 user to the Azure admins and let us know if you managed to do so as I had problems doing this but finally managed it though in the process, the user that created the BizSpark Azure account lost access some how that I've yet to figure out.

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