How can I create a Windows event to do somethings (i.e. open some programs) when I receive a GMail e-mail? I am using Windows 7

2 Answers 2


Try Growler.

In addition to getting email notifications as a banner, you can have it kick off programs.



Admin can develop and also handle several Event Management systems in PHP with this component. It includes the fundamentals parts such as budget planner, list, analytics, and extra.

  • Event Template: Admin can develop custom motifs based upon the occasion objective utilizing our pre-built templates. It is additionally possible to leverage formerly produced event web pages.

  • Dashboard: It will showcase the occasions together with their status, number of registered participants, and various other basic information.

  • Tasks: Supervisors can designate jobs and their deadlines to the team and also monitor their performance. It guarantees that there are no slippages while finishing vital tasks.

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    Commented Jun 6, 2022 at 12:01

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