I need to work on GNU make 3.80, but cygwin has make 3.81 installed. How can I remove make 3.81 and install 3.80?

I've tried running setup.exe for cygwin and installing make 3.80, it runs fine but in terminal it shows 3.81.

2 Answers 2


make 3.80 is no longer available from the Cygwin repositories. But the better question is, why do you want such an old version?

  • I have an old project which runs on make 3.80 only. I have the package with me, but couldn't install it. I can install 3.82 from cygwin installer, but the package I have is not installing
    – noob
    Commented Jun 21, 2013 at 8:35
  • 2
    I would strongly suggest you fix your package to work with current make instead, but in the meantime, you may be able to find this in the Cygwin Time Machine.
    – Yaakov
    Commented Jun 21, 2013 at 20:11
  • Thanks for the help, but I've solved it using other method. +1 for the help.
    – noob
    Commented Jun 22, 2013 at 22:07
  • 1
    @Yaakov it seems that the maintainers of GNU Make "broke" it for M$ environments when they moved from 3.80 to 3.81. Some things were "fixed" in a later build, but are broken again in 3.82. Agreed, the best way forward is to fix the projects so as use UNIX-like paths rather than DOS paths, etc. (i.e. what I'm personally working on right this minute) but with build tools the risk is always that you'll need to produce a new build quickly to fix a customer defect, etc. "Downgrading" Make is often a necessary solution when time is of the essence, sadly :-( Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 14:03
  • 1
    Now I understand. We stopped supporting DOS paths with make because the maintenance burden was too heavy and the results too fragile. Cygwin is a *NIX environment and therefore only *NIX-style paths are guaranteed to work. You'll be better off fixing your Makefiles and using an officially supported make than trying to hang on to obsolete behaviour.
    – Yaakov
    Commented Sep 16, 2013 at 5:06

I found the solution, I had devkitpro installed on my pc, which was using make 3.81 version. I found it out by using which command.

$which make

So I uninstalled devkit and reinstalled the recent make package which is 3.82 and then just replaced the make.exe from the package I have (3.80) to the cygwin bin folder. The method was suggested by the package supplier.
And now the make is working fine and is compatible with my project.

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