I've been using pgAdmin for several days and so far I like it. However, I can't find a list of keyboard shortcuts documented anywhere, either on the pgAdmin site, in the help, or in the options menu.

I stumbled into one myself that is nowhere in the menu hierarchy, CTRL+E to execute SQL, so there has to be a list somewhere (hopefully not just in the source code).

Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts somewhere I haven't looked?


3 Answers 3


I didn't find a list, but I'm using the following shortcuts often:

Ctrl+D - Show table data

Ctrl+G - Filter

Anyway there are some Query tool's shortcuts here


The most important is the F5 key to run the selected SQL code.

You can also select multiple lines and use tab and shift+tab to mess with the indentation.

Here are some more shortcut keys:

  • Ctrl+k to comment out the selected text or current line (prefix with "-- ")
  • Ctrl+K to remove comment indication (remove the "-- " at the start of the lines)
  • Ctrl+u convert to uppercase
  • Ctrl+U convert to lowercase
  • 4
    It's Ctrl+K to comment and Shift+Ctrl+K to uncomment. The same for Upper (Ctrl+U) and lower (Shift+Ctrl+U). Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 11:50
  • Cntrl+Shift+U to toggle between uppercase and lowercase. Commented Oct 19, 2021 at 17:17

You would normally use F5 to execute a query in the SQL editor.
To be precise, this executes the selected part or the whole content of the window if nothing is selected.

Other than that, you should find almost all shortcuts in the respective menu right beside the command.

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