I'm not sure what has happened, but some NEF files are identified as folders on my backup disk by Win 7.

I'm not able to read them with a hex editor, as they will not open folders (naturally).

What happened, and how can I recover my NEF files?

  • 1
    Agreed on asking on SuperUser. This is definitely not a photography question. That is very odd though and I also have no particular insight other than to ask if you are sure that that is what happened and not that you simply ended up with a folder with the same name somehow. The structure of a file and a folder are fundamentally different in most file systems with a folder just being an index that can't have any data associated with it other than typical folder meta-data. It would actually have to be a file system corruption (and a very very weird one) to have this happen. Commented May 26, 2013 at 18:25
  • Have you run chkdsk on that drive/partition lately? Commented May 27, 2013 at 15:58
  • Yes, chkdsk didn't find anything. I never name folders the same as my file names, Because of this, I'm not able to copy folders from one location to another (disk) if it contains these corrupted files.
    – Steven
    Commented May 29, 2013 at 20:58


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