I would like to set the PATH on my Mac 10.7.

So in /etc/launchd.conf I wrote:

setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/

and I restarted Mac.

However when I write in terminal

echo $PATH

I get:


How can I change the PATH param?

2 Answers 2

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/my/stuff

Reset launchd.conf to its default settings. It's better to keep /etc files alone if you don't know what you are doing. :-)

Also, it's not advisable to completely overwrite your PATH; you can add directories to your pre-existing PATH in a very simple way.

You can change OS X's PATH parameter in the shell environment simply by editing ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile. For example, in my .profile I have added some directories to my pre-existing PATH:


You have some subdirectories of /opt in your PATH. I guess that they have been added by MacPorts. If you want to remove them, simply comment out (#) or remove the corresponding lines in your .profile. To edit those hidden files, you can use CLI editors like vim or nano (included into OS X).

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