When I receive a new email, the desktop notification pops up and then fade away after 5 seconds. I found how to fix it through changing registry for outlook 2010 and older versions but it does not work with outlook 2013. Does anybody know how to fix it? I need the notification to stay for a desired time.

1 Answer 1


Which OS do you use? On Win7 Outlook displays its old New Mail Desktop Alert at the bottom right corner of the screen by default:

You can customise this by going to Options / Mail / Message arrival / Desktop Alert Settings:

On Win8 though Outlook switches to using popup "toast" notifications at the top right corner of the screen by default:

You can customise these by going to Charms bar / PC Settings / Ease of Access:

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    @AliJamali: You're welcome! Since you're new here, don't forget to accept the answer if it helped you.
    – Karan
    Commented Apr 16, 2013 at 12:38

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