I am having a problem with the iPad WiFi connection to ad-hoc (by Windows 7) with static IP.

The procedure:

  1. Connect to the Internet with a wired local network connection (autoconfiguration, ip:;
  2. Enable the sharing of local network connection;
  3. Setting the WiFi interface with static IP address:, netmask:;
  4. Create an ad-hoc WiFi network with WEP security, I have also tried open security;
  5. iPad connect to the ad-hoc WiFi with the right password, with the static IP address:, netmask:, router:, dns:;
  6. After 1 minute, the setting takes effect, the left-top WiFi icon is shown, but, iPad just couldn't access the Internet!

It's weird, I have no idea about how to solve it.

P.S.: I have tried ping from (Windows 7), some are ok, and some are timed out.


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