I have a requirement that I need to first unmount and then mount again the 3G internet modem on ubuntu 12.04 without removing it physically. The modem model is Huawei E173u. So far, I have tried this procedure:

Case 1:

step 1: I connect the modem using wvdial. step 2: I reset using usb_modeswitch. Reset happens successfully. dmesg shows this. step 3: I try to connect again using wvdial. wvdial exits with an error code 16 and further attemps to connect gave "modem not responding" errors.

Case 2:

step 1: I connect using wvdial. step 2: I plug out and plug in the modem step 3: I try to connect again using wvdial. wvdial connects successfully.

Case 3:

step 1: I connect using wvdial. step 2: I reset using usb_modeswitch. Reset happens successfully. dmesg shows this. step 3: I try to connect again using network manager. connects successfully.

I need the case 1 to be working. Is there something that should be done after usb_modeswitch and before trying wvdial? Am i missing something here?

  • Why would you remount that modem? Maybe we can come up with a better solution.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 17:27
  • What's the exact usb_modeswitch command you use?
    – Dennis
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 17:53
  • @gronostaj More Explanation: I basically get a "NO CARRIER" error with wvdial at times. And the only solution is to remove the modem and plug it back in physically and then wvdial would start to work. I however would want this to be done in a script without manual intervention. Hence usb_modeswitch.
    – Gaurav
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 18:17
  • @Dennis sudo usb_modeswitch -R -v '12d1' -p '1c05' 12d1:1c05 is the vendorID:productID from lsusb
    – Gaurav
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 18:17


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