Does anyone know a free tool that monitors my internet traffic and logs it in a day-by-day overview?

I'm currently using iStat menus but the download meter resets itself after each reboot plus it doesn't offer an activity log for the previous days.

2 Answers 2


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SurplusMeter from Skoobysoft.
You can download it from here.

  • Nice, but it doesn't give me an overview of the traffic during the previous days on a day-by-day basis, it's close though and the best as of yet, thanks!
    – ChrisR
    Commented Oct 20, 2009 at 9:30

The Tomato firmware for compatible routers has all sorts of logs and graphs for throughput like you're looking for. See their screen shots and documentation online at: http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato

Bandwidth graphs:

enter image description here

One compatible router on NewEgg:


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