I have created a scheduled task in Windows 7. The task is running perfectly well on my computer.

I have also exported the task to an XML file and want to create the same task on another computer automatically. How can I import the XML file pragmatically in Task Scheduler on the second computer?

2 Answers 2


You can use the schtasks command:

schtasks /Create [/S <system> [/U <username> [/P [<password>]]]] /XML <xmlfile> /TN <taskname>

For more help type schtasks /Create /? at the command prompt.


a mini script for bulk import:

@set user=xxxxxx
@set pwd=xxxxxx

@for %%d in (*.xml) do (
  schtasks /Create /XML "%%d" /RU %user% /RP %pwd% /TN "%%d"

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