I connected my 900x3c to a Bravia TV via HDMI. Unfortunately, no matter what resolution I choose, the picture is trimmed on all sides (even though I feed it proper 16:9 ratio). I'm not sure, but the picture on the TV doesn't seem to be scaled, pixels seem to be matched precisely. What might be causing that and how do I fix it?

  • This can generally be adjusted in software. Which graphics card and operating system are you using?
    – Dennis
    Commented Mar 27, 2013 at 20:20

1 Answer 1


Your TV is performing Overscan, consult your tv manual to turn it off, or check if your graphics card supports a "underscan" feature to shrink the display down so it will all fit.

I don't know if you have the same model as the person I saw from a quick google but here is how they said they fixed it.

On the Bravia I selected HOME > Settings > Setup > Screen Settings > Display Area

It was set to NORMAL I changed it to FULL PIXEL

Changing this to Full Pixel solved the over scan issue and dramatically improved picture quality as I now had a 1 to 1 pixel match meaning that the electronics in the Bravia did not have to calculate any pixel values only simply put each received pixel value into the appropriate pixel location. Basically I was sending a signal to the Bravia that matched the LCD panels Native resolution. This is the best method of driving an LCD.


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