I often edit my msbuild files with Notepad++.However, I miss the intellisense I get when I do so in Visual Studio. Does anyone know how to have the same experience in Notepad++?

  • Try using a free utility called MSBuild Explorer.
    – m_core
    Commented May 18, 2011 at 2:37
  • Link to MSBuild Explorer: msbuildexplorer.com
    – Anthony K
    Commented Jun 21, 2011 at 5:05
  • Mark, this is a fantastic question. I just had the same thought. If only some innovative C programmer could write a plugin that enables intellisense in Notepad++ using only an xsd. Unfortunately, I don't know C++. Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 12:49
  • Alas, even if one knows C++ doing it is still not an option, since few of us are owners of their time.
    – mark
    Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 15:32

3 Answers 3


The Notepad++ auto-completion feature is powered by a bunch of XML files that are located in the <Notepad++ install dir>\plugins\APIs folder. You can create your own language and auto-complete for that language using the tutorials on the website:

  • Thanks. But is there a way to make it use the xsd file? I suppose there is an xsd file for the msbuild project files.
    – mark
    Commented Oct 19, 2009 at 15:48

You can get the .xsd file from one of these locations depending on if you have Visual studio installed.

\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Xml\Schemas\1033\MSBuild\Microsoft.Build.CommonTypes.xsd

Otherwise look for the XML and XSD file located in the .net version system folder you are using.


By the way , to edit and get intelisense in Visual Studio you can do the following:

Open up Visual Studio and go to the Tools -> Options and go to the Text Editor options then you can associate file extensions to text editors. For MSBuild files we need to associate things like “proj” to “XML Editor with Encoding”. Now we also have intellisense to help write the script.

  • Thanks for the info. Now all I need is make notepad++ use the XSD files.
    – mark
    Commented Feb 12, 2012 at 8:28

I also have the same problem and finally found the better option is to use Visual code. The steps are:

  • Install the [MSBuild project tools|vscode:extension/tintoy.msbuild-project-tools] in the VS code
  • The .msbuild extension is not initially tied up with editor (Only .proj, .targets, .props, .tasks are supported by default)
  • Change the language mode (Ctrl+Shift+P) to configure file association
  • Choose your desired language as MSBuild and you are done.

The details can also be found from Visual Studio Market Place

  • Explain with more detail than just a link. If the link dies, then how helpful will this answer be... think about that and edit accordingly. Commented Nov 28, 2018 at 19:02

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