Lets say I have captured some handshakes and other data from a WPA network and would like to crack it using Pyrit. I have a database of around 800 million passwords, but having Pyrit check through all of these using attack_batch takes weeks or longer on my PC.

Is there any way of telling Pyrit to check a certain list first? As in have Pyrit check a list of, say, the 10,000 most common passwords BEFORE trying my large database? Is it as simple as importing the smaller, common password list first?

1 Answer 1


AFAIK, Pyrit goes through each word in order, so it should be as simple as moving the common words to the top.

Assuming that top.txt is a file holding all the words you want to try first and words.txt is your main wordlist, this should do the trick:

cat top.txt | cat words.txt > new_list.txt
pyrit -r wpa.cap -i new_list.txt -b <BSSID> attack_passthrough

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