I've read the ubuntu developer docs regarding the ufw here, but couldn't find what I was looking for. It allows me to set rules for controlling in/out traffic based on source IP or port numbers, but what I want is to restrict based on applications. For example:

(1) only firefox.exe allowed to communicate on port 80 - outgoing

(2) only apache.exe/httpd.exe allowed to communicate on port 80 - incoming, etc.

(Hope you get what I'm trying to imply - this is possible in windows firewall).

I'm not able to see how I can achieve this with ufw firewall? Or is there a better alternative to ufw which is able to do this on linux?

1 Answer 1


I re-implemented the firewall entirely from scratch using iptables. Iptables gives more control and the rules are very simple to assign such as:

/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -o ppp0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT #http

Having do so, I've bid farewell to the ufw firewall:

sudo apt-get remove ufw

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