By software based error, my webcam often sets itself to ignore blue in my room. If I force different resolution then 640x480, the problem is fixed. But if I return back to normal resolution, the camera us blue-blind again.

  1. How do I prevent it?
  2. Can this by a hardware error?

I don't know what debug info should I post here - just that I'm using Lenovo Ideapad Z560 under Windows 7. I'm streaming the camera using application based on OpenCV framework - but the same behavior applies to Skype and other programs.

  • Could you describe how it ignores the blue areas?
    – washbow
    Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 2:16
  • Not areas - it ignores blue channel of RGB. If you take photo in your computer and remove blue channel, you will see what I see - greeny yellow picture. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 11:13


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