So I got a PowerBook G3 off EBay (I don't know why, I just did) and it arrived. Now that I have it i realised that is nearly useless running Mac OS 9. My question is : Is there a Linux distro, like DSL, that would be able to run on it? Or maybe is there a way to get a web development IDE for it?

Computers Specs: EBay Link

(NOTE: I have a 20gb hard drive, I will put it in once I figure out how I go about doing that.)


1 Answer 1


Try mintppc.org the best i've found so far , I'm running a powerbookg3 wallstreet, I'm experimenting with other versions of linux so far this is the best. i couldn't get mintppc 11.0 to install. system specs--- mac powerbook g3 310mb ram 40g harddrive. OS= mintppc 9.2. ------if you don't mind command line installs try cruxppc.org

  • I cant get my PowerBook to start from the disk. How do I do this? Commented Mar 2, 2013 at 17:33

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