I asked this question on the Synergy OSQA site, but I haven't had any responses. Forgive me if you've already seen it.

I have a Synergy server running Windows 7 SP1. I have one client running Windows XP SP3. Both are joined to a domain, which requires that Ctr+Alt+Del be pressed prior to logging in. I've read that pressing Ctrl+Alt+Pause should unlock it, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Is there another way I can unlock the client, or something I need to configure?

  • I'm seeing the same issue. Server and client are both Win7 and Synergy is running as a service on both. No response on the client from CTRL+ALT+Pause/Break
    – ashtonium
    Commented Sep 5, 2013 at 15:14

1 Answer 1


The key combination to unlock a client is Ctrl + Alt + Break. If the machine has just rebooted, the client needs to have Synergy running as a service.

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