I'm following the instructions here on how to set up BIND on OSX, and I've got as far as this point (not very far then!)

Watch out! The rndc-confgen utility is extremely handy for generating new rndc configuration files, but it may set a different default port than named. You can use the following commands to ensure that the port number is the same in both configurations:

more /etc/named.conf | grep 'inet.*\?port'
more /etc/rndc.conf | grep '\-port'

If both ports are not the same, it's best to change one before starting BIND.

Um, yes, but which one should I prefer?

$ more /etc/named.conf | grep 'inet.*\?port'
inet port 54 allow {any;}


$ more /etc/rndc.conf | grep '\-port'
default-port 953;

I've never used BIND before and I've no idea which of these is preferable, and would be grateful for any help or insight.

BIND 9.6-ESV-R4-P3
OSX 10.6.8

1 Answer 1


According to this blog post and this one too it seems that rndc sets up its default port on 953, and named (the bind9 server) is already set to default to 54. Both articles change the rndc default port to 54 in the config.

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