I have an M4A file which is also converted to a FLAC file. I'd like to see if the conversion is lossless, namely, whether the output to pcm from M4A is exactly identical to the one from FLAC decoding.

I assume there's a way to use FFmpeg or Libav to produce some "raw" output and compare them?


3 Answers 3


I'd try converting them both to WAV and comparing their checksums.

ffmpeg -i file1.m4a file1.wav
ffmpeg -i file2.flac file2.wav
md5sum file1.wav
md5sum file2.wav
rm file?.wav

Compare the md5s produced. If they match, congratulations! Your files contain the same data. If they don't match, post the output of those commands here, and I'll look. Potentially there is a bitrate difference or something (there ought not to be... but there may be, I don't know.)

Note that the ffmpegs will generate comparatively large intermediate files.

  • It seems that the output size by ffmpeg -y -i in.m4a -ac 2 -ar 48000 -acodec flac out.flac differs from that of ffmpeg -y -i in.m4a -acodec flac out.flac. I have no idea what's going on when converting as well as the subtle paramters. Could you explain a little bit? Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 1:39
  • With the latter command, md5sum is the same. Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 1:42
  • 1
    Yup. See, the -ar 48000 says to use 48000 samples per second. If that is different than the source's number of samples per second, ffmpeg interpolates (sticks additional values in between), and that makes the resulting file different. If you just let ffmpeg autodetect everthing, it tries to change as little as it can. Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 1:58
  • 7
    @ymfoi WAV is not a raw file standard per se. WAV files are just containers and therefore can contain different audio codecs. In this case it will be PCM audio (pulse-code modulated), which is lossless. But there can also be compressed codecs inside a WAV file: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wav#WAV_file_compression_codecs_compared
    – slhck
    Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 7:51
  • 1
    @ymfoi FFmpeg will choose 16-bit PCM by default, so you already get uncompressed, "unaltered" audio (unless your source used more bit depth like 32 bit; in that case you could specify -c:a pcm_s32le, for example).
    – slhck
    Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 9:22

You can use the hash muxer to generate a checksum of the decoded media. No need to convert files, and it is unaffected by metadata or other factors that can cause a standalone sum tool to report false differences.

Example to compare WAV → FLAC. Because FLAC is lossless the hashes should be the same:

$ ffmpeg -loglevel error -i input.wav output.flac

$ ffmpeg -loglevel error -i input.wav -map 0 -f hash -

$ ffmpeg -loglevel error -i output.flac -map 0 -f hash -
  • There are many available hash algorithms to choose from. Some are faster than others. You can select an algorithm with the -hash option, such as -hash md5.

  • -map 0 is used in the examples to include all streams into the checksum. Without it the default stream selection behavior will only choose one stream per stream type. If you want to exclude/include specific streams then do so with the -map option with stream specifiers. For example, to exclude all video use negative mapping with -map -0:v, or to only include audio use -map 0:a, or to only include the third audio stream use -map 0:a:2.

  • The streamhash muxer is similar to hash, but it will output a hash per stream, such as one for video and one for audio. Again, it also will use the default stream selection behavior unless you add -map.

  • If you want to compare each individual frame/packet then use the framehash muxer.

  • 2
    +1 This is good also because it completely avoids the issue of metadata in the uncompressed file, which otherwise could make identical-audio files differ.
    – user
    Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 21:28

You could try visualizing the audio's spectrum and then compare the two side by side.

Here's a way to do that with the showcqt filter.

ffmpeg -i "video_file_with_audio.mkv"  -i "alternative_audio.m4a" \
        -filter_complex "[0:a]asplit[a1][ao];
              [vid1]fps=23.976,scale=-1:1080[v1];[v1][vfreq1][vfreq2]hstack=3[vo]" \
        -map "[vo]" -map "[ao]"  output.mp4

This assumes you have a video with audio and then an alternative audio for that video.

See this screenshot of showcqt side by side

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