I have used the mv command to move a folder from my Linux partition onto my Windows partition (mv /home/FOLDER /media/WINPARTITION/User/Me/Music/FOLDER).

I have read a lot now and understand (I think) that when you do such a thing several things happen:

1) the link to the disk locations where FOLDER was stored on the Linux partition gets deleted (/home/FOLDER is gone). It appears really hard to retrieve this data.

2) FOLDER did get copied onto the Windows partition (now: C:\Me\Music\FOLDER)

3) After booting Windows, Windows restores everything to the last booting situation (i.e. my copied C:\FOLDER is gone in Windows as it did not exist at last shut down)

My question is then: If it is so hard to retrieve FOLDER at the original location, is there maybe a way to retrieve what Windows had deleted (i.e. C:\Me\Music\FOLDER) using a Windows tool?

Thanks a lot for any comments! Best, Tom

  • I guess 3) is only true if windows is in hibernation and i write to a shared NTFS partition. The actual sequence of events was: mv FOLDER /media/WindowsPartition/User/Me/Templates/. Then, in windows, i discovered that Templates is a weird folder and i cannot access it. so i went back to linux and did mv /media/WindowsPartition/User/Me/Templates/FOLDER /media/WindowsPartition/User/Me/Music. Then, after booting into windows, FOLDER was not to be found neither in windows nor in linux. Sorry for missing this description in the original post.
    – Tom
    Commented Dec 27, 2012 at 0:39

1 Answer 1


AFAIR, Linux writing on NTFS is only supported if the file size doesn't change (or at least doesn't increase).

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