Does anyone know of a way to convert a PDF file to HTML files, 1 file per page? If the pages can be linked with each other, that is, page 10 contains links to pages 9 and 11, for easier browsing, would be great, but not necessary.

It could be a program, or an online service, both are fine, as long as i can convert the file as explained.

I did find some websites that can convert from PDF to HTML, but they output a single large HTML file that is unfit for memory-deprived phones, and even firefox on a PC chokes on it.

The PDF contains almost entirely of english text only.

  • I have used Zamzar to convert pdfs to many other formats other than HTML (it does carry out pdf to html) otherwise try from the answers below zamzar.com
    – Simon
    Commented Dec 6, 2012 at 14:00

2 Answers 2


On Linux you can use pdf2html. The following is an example:

pdftohtml -p -c -hidden filename.pdf filename.html 

For more details you may consult this page.

There's a graphical version for Windows here.

  • with default options, i got a single large HTML file, using the -c switch, i got what i wanted, thanks :) Commented Dec 6, 2012 at 14:07
  • 2
    OK. I added the -c option to the answer.
    – To Do
    Commented Dec 6, 2012 at 15:12

Use this free program from Sourceforge


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