A strange thing happened after a few updates to the system:

  • Intel rapid storage
  • SSD firmware update
  • Intel Ethernet adapter update
  • GPU Intel update

When the computer turns off the screen (after five minutes), an unknown time later, all the USB devices stop working.

  • Sound card
  • Mouse
  • Keybord
  • etc.

I can't turn them back on, so I can't wake up the screen or do anything except turn the computer off and back on.

I checked my power save profile and all is OK there. I changed in Device Manager, the Allow USB to sleep in all the hubs.

How can I fix this?

2 Answers 2


You could try looking at Control Panel > Power Options, then go to Change Power Settings > Change Advanced Power Settings > Usb Settings > Usb Selective Suspend Settings, and set it to Disabled? That looks like another setting that could allow the computer to suspend usb devices.


Unfortunately power settings can be found in different locations. In addition to the answer of William Saunders I would check the BIOS of your machine and the device management options of your USB components. Sometimes the device settings are power-saving related. I noticed that with USB expansion card for PCI and PCI Express.

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