I'm trying to run the Virtualbox web service but I cannot start it.

When I run vboxwebsrv this is the output:

Oracle VM VirtualBox web service Version 4.2.4_Gentoo_
(C) 2007-2012 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.
vboxwebsrv: error: failed to open release log (mmap(PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC) failed -- SELinux?, VERR_NO_MEMORY)

I cannot find similar problems on the Internet.

Virtualbox is compiled with the following use flags: "additions -alsa -doc extensions headless java opengl pam -pulseaudio python -qt4 sdk vboxwebsrv -vnc"

I am running a hardened kernel (didn't compile virtualbox with a hardened version of gcc though).

1 Answer 1


The error you're getting tells me it can't open a log file for writing or can't open the folder it should be in.

Try creating the log file and set the right permissions, e.g.:

touch /var/log/vboxweb.log; chown vbox:vboxusers /var/log/vboxweb.log
  • The file /var/log/vboxweb.log exists and I'm executing vboxwebsrv as root. Still getting the same error. I also tried supplying --logfile /var/log/vboxweb.log to the vboxwebsrv command but this also didn't do the trick.
    – siebz0r
    Commented Nov 14, 2012 at 23:46

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