Since 6th October I'm facing CHKDSK at boot problem on Windows XP SP3 machine.

At every CHKDSK I get this message at log:

CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
Usn Journal verification completed.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
0 KB in bad sectors.

Also, the defrag tool from Admin Account doesn't work, as it says to run chkdsk /f

How do I prevent from running CHKDSK on every boot?


1 Answer 1


Back up the data now before something happens. Assuming this is a Seagate drive, SEATOOLS would be a good thing to try. Vendor tools will often find issues that SMART will not.

  • Yeah, taking backup now. This is happening since 6th, and never happened. No Errors thrown. After data backup, first should I try to DEL the partition and create it again?
    – akula
    Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 22:46
  • 1
    in a command prompt use >chkntfs C: to observe if the dirty bit itself is set, and >chkdsk.exe C: /f to do the "deeper" scanning. I think that the chkdsk that occurs at startup (when needed) is the lightweight setting of it, and does not always "fix" everything. a Common way to fix this was to do the next level up of chkdsk with the F parameter. I Comment here because as dave pointed out at any rate a person would want to backup thier data anyways. Lots of people "fixed" this with a full chkdsk, doesnt mean it will fix it for you though.
    – Psycogeek
    Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 5:16
  • I've SOLVED this problem. First, I took ~20 GB data backup to other drives. Then did a quick check in the Registry for autocheck autochk * entries. Nothing unusual I've found. So before installing SeaTools, I want to test my own trick. DELETED the 25 GB NTFS D: partition. Created it again. Reboot the PC. Voila, no more CHKDSK!! I'm happy and relieved. Thanks all for the tricks. No CHKDSK entries found in Event logger (Winlogon entry).
    – akula
    Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 11:45

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