I have a build job which runs on Hudson and synchronizes content from an Amazon AWS server. This is written in shell

I have a PPK file given to me which can establish the connectivity

Here is the problem. The build script I use doesn't establish the connectivity in the code. So, I manually connect the host thro the PPK file using Putty and then run the job, then it works fine

I am new to the shell stuff. Could someone help me out by suggesting how I can establish connectivity using the PPK file in the shell so I do not have to do it manually thro Putty?

  • Can you post the portions of the shell script which connect via SSH?
    – Will
    Commented Jul 20, 2015 at 1:34

1 Answer 1


First servers need security to access their resources. so it need ppk authentication.

Establish connectivity using the PPK file this the actually you need.

For that...

  1. Open putty
  2. Enter Host name which is provided by AWS account→ under ec2-instances→description→ IPv4 Public IP . its similar to ip address copy that one and paste it into Host name. Add ec2-user@ <-- in front of that ex: [email protected]
  3. Now left side of putty go to → SSH ⇾ Auth ⇾ in the authentication parameter section select Browse .ppk file then click on Open.
  4. it will come with one pop-up click on ok that's it.

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