I use the MDR in BeOS R5 to send/receive through Gmail no problem, but on Haiku it says, "No reply." Is it because there are no SSL options in the e-mail prefs under Haiku? How do I enable them?

2 Answers 2


Yes, Gmail only accepts SSL connections to its IMAP and POP3 services.

If the mail client doesn't support SSL, a workaround might be to install stunnel (if you can get it to run on Haiku, or have a spare Linux/Windows box), then add a service like this, to stunnel.conf:

accept = 143
client = yes
connect = imap.gmail.com:993

Then set up MDR to connect to localhost:143 without SSL. (Of course, replace localhost with the address of your stunnel server, if that's different.)

  • That's the weird thing--the MDR for BeOS is the same one that ended up in the Haiku branch, and Haiku comes with OpenSSL, so it should actually support it. I'll look into stunnel though, thanks for the lead.
    – Kev
    Commented Sep 25, 2009 at 18:45
  • I don't think stunnel is available on haiku, nor do I have the skills to get it to compile. I also don't have a spare box. :|
    – Kev
    Commented Sep 25, 2009 at 18:52

It now works on the latest nightly (SSL is an option in the prefs.)

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