When I save a file (e.g. Images) to a folder which already exist there, Chrome adds a (N) where N is first available number.
This causes I have multiple copies of same file!
How can I disable Chrome's auto file renaming?


  • 4
    @arulappan: the problem is I don't want to re-download anything! I happens alot that I had an image and now I'm saving it again after a while. when I receive "Replace" message I can check the file and don't download it again but Chrome's auto numbering system never alerts me and renames file by itself; I want to disable it!
    – Ariyan
    Commented Aug 15, 2012 at 16:54
  • 1
    But Chrome suggests a name for the file and if it already exists, it adds (N). You can see that when you right-click on an image. The option to save as appears. If there's no (N), that means you're saving the image for the first time (in that folder). If there is an (N), that indicates to you that you already have a file by that name (without the (N)). So what is the difficulty?
    – user151227
    Commented Aug 15, 2012 at 18:43
  • @vasa1: When I'm doing bunch of save files I hit Enter faster than I look the file name so I should go and delete that duplicated file. after that simply I don't want this fantastic and uinque feature!! (that Google may consumed lots of money and time to make that without settings!!); it is not a strange thing that I expect some On/Off stuff for that!! is it? nevertheless Chrome's configuration sucks!!
    – Ariyan
    Commented Aug 15, 2012 at 20:18
  • 1
    As this feature in in queue, alternatively you can run a duplicate image file remover in your local folders :)
    – iAnuj
    Commented Aug 16, 2012 at 1:26
  • 3
    Over 5 years later, and this question is still valid. Chrome developers just don't listen! And, nobody seems to understand OP's question properly. On finding a duplicate download, Chrome should have default option setting to - (1) reject (2) replace (3) add number to file like it does presently.
    – Sri
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 4:35

5 Answers 5


As of now this is not possible but there is a feature request, see discussion here:



The Downloads Overwrite Existing Files extension will overwrite the file if you already have one with the same filename.

Doesn't check if they're the same file contents.


It's not very usable, but there is a way to replace an existing file without installing extensions.
If you just keep the same file name, Chrome will create a new file and auto-number it.

But if you actually click on the target file and click on Save, although the file name is exactly the same, this time Chrome will ask you if you want to replace it:

I tried the above on a Mac, but I have no reason to believe Chrome would behave differently on other OS's (at least in this respect).

This only works when you can select the destination folder, e.g. when you click on "Save Link As..." or enable Ask where to save each file before downloading in Settings.

  • Why the downvote? All other answers here (all upvoted) talk about replacing the file as a way to avoid creating new copies...
    – Kamal
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 18:05

The Have I Downloaded This Before? extension detects whether a similar download has already been completed and gives you the option to cancel the download and open the existing file. Only works on Linux, so well suited for OP.


The extension that was accepted as the answer no longer exists on the store or Hannos' answer.

I guess this extension might see the same fate.

Here's one that does the same.

Downloads Overwrite Already Existing Files


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