I want to use this simple command, which is already recursive:

svn add *

The problem is that the shell (ash) does not expand the asterisk to hidden files, i.e. files whose name begin with a dot.

3 Answers 3


AFAIK, you just can to use:

svn add directory

Every file and subdirectory will be added correctly.


As far as I know, neither bash nor tcsh do that either. Simply use svn add * .* then.

  • svn: Skipping argument: '.svn' ends in a reserved name svn: warning: '.' is already under version control svn: Path '..' ends in '..', which is unsupported for this operation # svn status ? .test
    – dash17291
    Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 15:37
  • @dash17291: svn add * in a directory which already is a working copy usually results in SVN complaining about items already added. Same happens when you "manually" try to add the very same file a second time.
    – Shi
    Commented Aug 19, 2012 at 16:03

svn add --depth infinity directory Directory and all files will be included

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