I have a Samsung NP530 ultrabook. I am planning to dual-boot the Win7 on it with Xubuntu 12.04. The ultrabook has a 500GB Hitachi HDD and a 16GB SanDisk SSD. I can see the HDD in BIOS, but not the SSD. Using GParted from the LiveCD, I could see the HDD and SSD as sda and sdb respectively. The layout is described here.

From this LinuxMint forums link, it seems that the SSD is used transparently by Win7 to boost its performance.

Your Windows system probably uses Intel's SRT technology.

Blazing performance on Win7 is not needed - it will be used for the odd Android device rooting utility. If I want to keep dual-boot, and yet use the SSD for Linux, how can I turn off the Intel SRT boosting?

1 Answer 1


Samsung provides na "Easy Settings" utility (glad I didn't remove all the bloat-ware this time).

In the General Tab, Intel Rapid Start Technology allows Win7 to save its state to the 4.29 GB SSD partition, just like how Linux swap works.

In the Express Cache Tab, Use the Express Cache allows DisKeeper to use the 10.61GB SSD partition to function as a cache.

On Linux, we have Flashcache and bcache. They are not for the casual Ubuntu user though. And the SSD cache partition cannot be shared between OSes.

  • actually this usually doesn't work like swap. Check this article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Matrix_RAID Commented Feb 19, 2013 at 1:00
  • Complicated! I meant functionality, like how Linux hibernate saves to the swap partition.
    – Rohit
    Commented Feb 19, 2013 at 4:29

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