My search function under the start menu has stopped finding programs and exes which although not disasterous is a bit annoying.

Doing the following

right click task bar -> properties -> start menu tab -> customise

and looking at the search settings seems to indicate that it should include programs i.e.

search settings

but it doesn't.

Any ideas how to remedy this? I'm using windows 7.

Many Thanks


Sorry i need to correct this. Looks like it can't find files either. It just brings up a few top level folders i.e.

broken search

Excuse the whitespace - that how it looks onscreen. Thanks


I've tried running the troubleshooter through the control panel. No fault found. Also I have rebuilt the indexes via control panel -> index options. Still doesn't work unfortunately.

1 Answer 1


This looks like something Microsoft supposedly fixed last year or so. Check whether you have the KB977380 Hotfix installed or not. If not, you may want to give it a shot.

You can also try Microsoft's Fix it solution titled Fix Windows Desktop Search when it crashes or not showing results and see if you're getting some results.

If that doesn't work, you can always try to delete the following file. Looks like it can become corrupted easily.

  • Thanks for that. I will try out as soon as I can. TBH I think my machine might have developed bigger problems. Maybe it's on it's way out. Oh well. Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 13:47

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