I was copying a few files over onto a directory and suddenly I noticed that there was already a directory that I previously had! So I decided to delete it. Now something happened and I decided to skip the copy and I removed the drive!

Now I was copying the files in a directory called zSHARE , and the already existing directory inside it is DataMode. Now I can rename those two directory but I cannot delete them. I get an error saying that cannot remove Directory not empty!

I tried

sudo rm -r 


sudo rm -r 

Commands too no luck! I decided to attach it to my Windows machine and it won't detect system slows down and when I remove it gets its pace back!

Also when I run chkdsk /R H: on the drive it won't run but as I remove the drive it shows its a RAW partition.

The drive detects everthing on linux but not on Windows! I even resized the partition and ran ntfs fix still no luck

Can I get it back to working in Windows without having to backup entire drive and den reformat and copy over?

  • Is this external hard drive a SAN? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storage_area_network Seems like a random question, sorry, but I seem to recall working with a SAN branded zShare at some point. Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:21
  • oh LOL no.... i use this folder to transfer movies and tv shows ... the reason z is small and SHARE capital is cause, my TV has a usb and sorts all small letters in the last so when i attach i just go left once to select the folder and enter instead of going through tons of folders on right! Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:30
  • What windows version you are using?
    – Maximus
    Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:34
  • Windows XP and Windows 8 Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:42

2 Answers 2


It sounds like you either A) formatted the drive to something other than FAT32/NTFS, or B) the partition is corrupt. While mounted in linux what is the file system type?

df -H

What error do you get when you run?:

sudo rm -rf

Finally does the drive show RAW in the disk managment utility in Windows? If so, and you know that the partition is NTFS, you likely have a corrupt partition and should copy the data off while you have it readable in Linux.

  • out out of the first command doesnt show any FS type /dev/sdb1 485G 378G 107G 78% /media/Passport The is the outout for the delete command sarvesh@sarvesh-laptop:/media/Passport$ sudo rm -rf 'DELETE THIS' [sudo] password for sarvesh: rm: cannot remove `DELETE THIS/sdf': Directory not empty sarvesh@sarvesh-laptop:/media/Passport$ Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:41
  • also when i see the drive in gparted it shows as NTFS Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 20:42
  • 1
    How does it show in the disk management utility in Windows? On your linux install you install the ntfs-tools package and then run ntfsfix to attempt to repair the partiiton. Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 15:24

Expanding on David George’s comment, it appears that Puppy Linux for example has built in support for ntfsfix. Example

ntfsfix /dev/sdb1

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