I have a laptop with a 250GB HDD. I have an existing installation of Kubuntu across three partitions (A 20GB one for /, 2GB for swap, and something like 97GB for /home). If I add another partition, use that as / for a Mint 13 install, and then use the existing /home partition as Linux Mint's home folder (different user names), are there any dangers (besides badly done partitioning, and other dumb things like that)?

2 Answers 2


This should work if you take care with uids.

Consider the following example: In Kubunto you have two users: John, uid 100, and jane with uid 101

In Mint you make a few users: Jane (100), test2 (101), test2(102), Doe (103) etc

/home/john/ will is accessable by john in your original Kubunto. However in mint /home/john/ belongs to jane (wo has uid 100 in the mint example).

  • 2
    All of the accounts will be mine, so that's fine. Thanks!
    – Linuxios
    Commented Jun 1, 2012 at 21:51

It Should work depending on where and how you install it. I have a 500GB Hard Drive With Ubuntu 12.04, Linux mint 13 Cinnamon (or something like that),tinycore+, and archlinux, and 4mLinux and they all have a 100Gb partition and they run fine. (Ubuntu Has A External Hard Drive though)

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