I have a laptop, which has a screen resolution of 1366x768, as most laptops have. Is there any way to increase it? The laptop is an HP Pavilion dv6, with Intel HD 3000 graphics and Radeon HD 6490M GPU.

I want to increase the resolution beyond 1366 x 768, as I have a application that requests that, and I want to run the application on this laptop only. The application requests a resolution of 1280 x 900 or higher.

  • 1
    By getting a higher resolution screen...
    – Daniel Beck
    Commented May 20, 2012 at 11:25
  • what os you use, windows or ubuntu (linux) Commented May 20, 2012 at 11:27
  • 3
    .. on a laptop?? I mean that is there any hack to it, maybe just virtually increase it and not really.
    – VirMatrix
    Commented May 20, 2012 at 11:27
  • Windows and Ubunut both..
    – VirMatrix
    Commented May 20, 2012 at 11:28
  • that's ok, you can edit your comment; there's no need to make corrections in the new comments how about the version ? Ubuntu 10.04? Commented May 20, 2012 at 11:38

8 Answers 8


Sometimes increasing resolution is useful (even though it does reduce quality). If a dialog's height is hard-coded to 800px it'll be off the bottom of the screen, and there's very little way to see it. On a 1366x768 monitor it's less of an issue, but on a 1024x600 netbook I hit this issue all the time. Maybe you have a higher resolution external monitor and you want windows to appear the same physical size on both screens - there are lots of reasons.

You can change the resolution to above native res on Linux using the following command:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale 1.25x1.25

I find that a scale of 1.25 is on the edge of usability, probably 1.2 is more sensible. On your laptop, the output name may be different - but a quick google for XRandr will show you how to use it.

Having said that - the command worked perfectly on my Ubuntu 10.04-based netbook, but for me, on 12.04 (with gnome-panel) it changes the resolution but the mouse is still locked to the old area of the screen. It appears to be a regression, and there is a fix below so hopefully it will be fixed soon:


  • This is something even better, I will try it as soon as possible. But I want the fix to the bug present, please update the answer with the solution to bug as soon as possible, but a nice answer, upvoted.
    – VirMatrix
    Commented Sep 23, 2012 at 12:03
  • 3
    Ok, its good, BUT Please suggest something for WINDOWS also, similar to this.
    – VirMatrix
    Commented Sep 23, 2012 at 12:07
  • Thanks for this - I was just browsing, and using it in the opposite direction ( scale 0.85x0.85) makes my tinsy winsy 1920x1080 display a lot more readable next to my large external display !
    – davidgo
    Commented Feb 17, 2016 at 6:54

Use the xrandr command. For example: My native res is 1680×1050.

If I type in terminal:

xrandr --output LVDS --panning 1920x1200 --scale 1.1428571429x1.1428571429

I will get perfectly good 1920×1200 resolution (it's 16:10, as my screen is) but, as an earlier answer suggested, this creates an oversized desktop. I need to pan around because the whole screen cannot be shown at once, you just don't have enough pixels, that's why it's your max res. scale # you get by dividing your desired res with current res (for me 1920/1680 therefore 1.1428571429).

If you wanted full HD (e.g., 1920×1080 for your 16:9 display) you'd type in terminal:

xrandr --output LVDS --panning 1920x1080 --scale 1.4055636896x1.4055636896

We got your scale by dividing 1920 (desired) by 1366 (current/native). If LVDS doesn't work then try LVDS1 or type xrandr and see which one is connected. Could be VGA1 or CRT, but if it's laptop it's most likely LVDS or LVDS1.

  • I cleaned up your answer. Please verify that I didn’t change the meaning. Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 20:50
  • 2
    What is xrandr? Does it come with the system? What system? The user says he uses both Windows and Ubuntu. If xrandr doesn’t come with the system, where does one get it? Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 20:50
  • This worked great for my laptop after searching for a while. Thanks! Commented May 1, 2015 at 20:01

It would not make sense to increase output resolution more than the screen is capable of displaying.

In best case it would have to rescale the output back to its native resolution (it must show is using a fixed number of pixels), which would require processing power and give you a worse result than just using the native resolution (most likely 1366x768, not 1399) due to interpolation errors.

In worst case it would just fail and not give you an image at all.

Sometimes it makes sense to send a resolution lower than the native resolution, e.g. for games where the graphics adapter doesn't have the power to render it smoothly at the native resolution, and use interpolation to show it on the full screen, but this should be avoided.

For completeness: to increase the resolution on your laptop you would have to buy a new laptop panel that is compatible. This is most likely not available, unless you are in real luck and your laptop is part of a series where a higher resolution model is available. It would still be a bit of a gamble to find a new panel unless you can find trustworthy verification of the specific panel model working with your specific laptop model.

If this is not what you mean by your question, you need to clarify.


One possible way around that could be to use what is refered to as a Oversized Desktop.

From Wikipedia:

[Oversized desktops] make it possible to pan around a desktop that is larger than the available hardware is capable of displaying. This facility is sometimes referred to as panning, scrolling desktops or viewport.

Although not free, you could try the trial of GiMeSpace to at least see if your application would work with such as tool.

I'm pretty sure that some old video drivers (ATI, NVIDIA) used to support this feature natively years ago, but I can't seem to find anything about it anymore. :/

  • That link to GiMeSpace is for a web site on Google Sites (which is fine for small non-commercial websites, but perhaps not for something containing executable content). They now have their own domain, gimespace.com, though, but how credible are they really? They can't even spell Windows (the operating system) correctly and uses "M$" for Microsoft. Commented Dec 31, 2016 at 16:58

Try QRes on Windows


It works on command line

QRes.exe /X:1024 /Y:768
  • 1
    QRes won't exceed the highest resolution registered (typically the native resolution): Error: The graphics mode is not supported!
    – Gnubie
    Commented Oct 13, 2013 at 22:05

You can use PowerStrip to force it into a higher resolution than supported. However, forcing an incompatible resolution may be harmful to your display, graphics card, or any other component in the way.


Depending on your model, some models allow an oversized desktop, but everything starts looking like tunnel, as you need to pan around. Oversized desktops might not let some oversized desktop sensitive applications to open.

Some oversized resolution of an FHD display might me 1152 pixels or 1440 pixels, but setting these resolutions might show the entire screen, depending on your model, whether it has 'auxiliary' pixels, make a tunnel, lower the color depth, show blurry letters, or even turn black and go dead in the worst cases of very oversized desktop sensitive desktop monitors.

I suggest not trying this unless you know that is is true non-oversized desktop sensitive monitors or true very oversized desktop-sensitive monitors. All monitors have the option to hide modes that monitor can't display properly or not. In that case, when a monitor can't display properly, it is the GPU to show the picture which might look poor, depending on how sensitive your monitor is to an oversized desktop.

In that case, you must call the computer model maker to see if it's sensitive to an oversized desktop or not.

  • 1
    This appears to be a comment to a 3 year old question. Comments belong in the comment section, if you cannot submit comments, you should not submit them as answers. Answers like this are subject to removal, and based on your current answer history, its very likely you won't be able to submit new answers in the future. The system for quality reasons, will eventual ban you automatically from submitting answers, if you continue to submit answers like this. Once this happens it cannot be reversed by anyone.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 17:03
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    But this has over 600 characters! How am I supposed to put it as a comment?
    – Chris
    Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 2:43
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    Don't post comments. You have not earned the privileged.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 2:44

The solution that worked for me was to increase my resolution size to 1366 x 766, by going to Control Panel & then Display.

  • 1
    This does not answer the question. The questioner wants to know if he can increase his resolution beyond 1366x768.
    – mtak
    Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 17:41

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