I like managing my own files, and this is definitely possible with Aperture 3. But there seems to be two ways to import into Aperture: either by dragging and dropping, or importing one folder at a time, manually, through the Aperture import window.

BUT whenever I drag and drop the photos, it imports them into the Aperture library, making duplicates of everything. And if I add them manually through Aperture, I have to add each folder at a time, which is extremely tedious.

Is there any solution?

  • Do you want them in the Aperture Library? I believe that you have the option under Import Settings.
    – l'L'l
    Commented Apr 10, 2012 at 1:38
  • @ioi: the only relevant option is "Default import location" and the options are "New Project" or "Selected item". Both options seem to relocate the file.
    – delwin
    Commented Apr 10, 2012 at 2:18
  • I'll post a screenshot.,
    – l'L'l
    Commented Apr 10, 2012 at 2:23

3 Answers 3


I had the very same problem and have been able to solve it using the automator. I added a screenshot of the automator workflow I created. I use it to import a lot of directories into one project at a time without copying them into the Aperture library.

Please note, that there's a bug. After saving and reopening the workflow, the "Import nach Reference" (import by reference) check box is no longer checked. Actually this is the esential setting preventing you files beeing copyied to the library.

If there's a possibility to export this workflow, I'm happy to post it. Feal free to guide a automator novice.

Aperture Import with Automator


You can drag and drop a file into Aperture holding cmd+option and it will add it to your library as an externally referenced file (as opposed to copying the file itself into the library). You'll know you are doing it correctly because the cursor icon will change to a little curved arrow, as indicated in this screenshot: https://cloudup.com/cPQFpDZi75g


You can choose how Aperture Imports files/folders by changing the Import Settings, so you don't have to have them in the Aperture Library necessarily; try using current location, or choose another folder :

Aperture Import Settings

  • Yes, but this exactly my problem. I don't want to use Aperture's import tool because that means I have to select each subfolder individually, which takes forever. I'd rather drag the parent folder into the Aperture window and have it autoimport.
    – delwin
    Commented Apr 12, 2012 at 17:21

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