My Dell XPSM1210 has developed these weird lines right in the middle of the screen. When I connect an external monitor the lines disappear and the display is fine.

Is this a problem with the screen panel, and if it needs replacement is there a place where I could buy one?

This laptop is not under warranty so I'm willing to get the screen replaced.

Dell XPS M1210 white lines in the middle of the screen

  • I've also tried to use screen capture and the lines don't show in the capture. It definitely is a hardware problem but I'd like to know if I can find the exact component that's faulty! Thanks.
    – ymasood
    Commented Sep 13, 2009 at 16:09
  • When you say: "When I connect an external monitor the lines disappear and the display is fine", do you mean the laptop screen is fine?
    – alex
    Commented Sep 13, 2009 at 19:10
  • I'm sorry, no, I mean that I see no lines on the external monitor.
    – ymasood
    Commented Sep 13, 2009 at 21:16

1 Answer 1


It can be one of 4 things, of the top of my head.

  1. The ribbon cable connecting to your laptop screen. Solution: Fixable by going to one of those computer repair shops that also deal in laptops. Of course, you can also go to a Dell representative in your general area. But may be a bit more expensive

  2. The screen itself. Solution: Probably needs to be replaced. Quite annoyingly so because it's always more expensive. Computer repair shops or Dell.

  3. More rarely, the inverter board. I find it odd the lines are white. So why I thought of this one. Solution: Needs to be replaced. Cheaper than the above two.

  4. Bad soldering or dislodged cable. Solution: The cheapest, eh. No replacement parts. Just putting things back in place.

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