I've been transferring about 5TB from a USB 3.0 enclosure with built in hardware RAID running 4x SATA III drives. The destination is an external SAS enclosure (7x SATA II) with 2x SAS cables connected to PERC 6 card.

Its been going for over 2 days straight! It's only done about 2.5TB so far...

Wondering if this is normal? I'm using robocopy to do the copy.

and if this is normal; would using esata III be any better?

hope to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

  • 1
    I have no idea how long this should take, but silly question - that USB 3.0 enclosure is actually on a USB 3.0 connection, right? 2.0 ports aren't forward compatible with the higher speeds.
    – Shinrai
    Commented Mar 16, 2012 at 15:46
  • serverfault.com/questions/206370/… Commented Mar 16, 2012 at 15:47
  • thanks for the response. Yes the USB3 enclosure is connected via USB3 cable to a new USB3.0 controller (pcie) also FYI system resources are barely active via task manager. (4 core cpu running a almost nothing) Thanks!
    – Plexter
    Commented Mar 16, 2012 at 15:58
  • based on the above posted link I gather no my speeds are really slow. Their example is for USB2 and 1 disk however if anything it should be faster since I have 4 disks and USB3. Thanks for the link, does anyone have any comments on how to speed this up?
    – Plexter
    Commented Mar 16, 2012 at 16:33

1 Answer 1


Try running a performance benchmark on each volume using HDTune. This may help you determine whether one of the disk subsystems is causing your poor performance.

The number of files can have a huge impact on performance. Copying hundreds of thousands (or more) of small files will be much slower than copying a few thousand large files.

You mention you're using Robocopy, so I assume you're running Windows. If you have a directories with many similarly-named files and you have 8.3 filename creation enabled, directory enumeration will be exponentially slower on those directories than if you disable 8.3 filename creation.

Another possibility is that one or more disk in the source or target RAID is defective. Even if you haven't had a catastrophic failure but have many reallocated sectors, the bad sector remapping will impact performance. Run a long/extended diagnostic on each disk.

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