In an question i asked, it seems that one phone call will help to transfer the licensed copy of windows to the replaced hardware

Windows Licensing: Validity of transferring between burnt/working motherboards


What if i want to buy a new PC (without a operating system installed) and discard the old PC, will i be able to use the licensed copy of winXP on my new PC without paying anything extra?

Means, transfer licensed copy of Winxp or Win7 to New Computer?

Note: read a few answers but they all assume that the other computer will already have a licensed copy of Windows which needs upgrade, but here i am asking about transferring valid copy of RUNNING WINDOWS to my NEW BLANK COMPUTER.

  • Do yourself a favor and DO NOT use Windows XP. In a very short period of time it WILL NOT BE supported by pretty much anyone.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 19:49

1 Answer 1


It depends. If Windows was licensed as OEM software (it came preinstalled from the hardware seller), the license is bound to the original hardware. You can't transfer the license to a new PC.

If it's a retail or other license, no problem, just install on the new PC as usual.

  • This is probably the simpliest answer. If it's a volume license, you won't be asking this question. My guess is that it is an OEM license. It's become rare to run into XP retail licenses.
    – surfasb
    Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 20:38

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