I use the built-in Apache 2 that comes with OS X (10.6.8 in my case) for development. I've been looking in access logs and seen I'm constantly poked from outside by nosy bots. I'd like to make it stop - not out of security concerns but I fear it might affect my performance.

I know OS X comes with a built-in firewall, but I never used it. What's the rule to block any incoming traffic? Should I use the firewall or should I just modify the Apache configuration?

  • 1
    I nice tip that reduces the amount of attacks considerably is listening to another non-standard port. This is modified in the Apache configuration, e.g. Listen 9876 in the config file /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.
    – user111228
    Commented Jan 8, 2012 at 19:17

1 Answer 1


Use your router's firewall. If you are behind a router this shouldn't happen as incoming traffic (HTTP / port 80) should never be forwarded unless you are specifically intending to run a server from home.

If you are behind a router firewall and this is still happening - check any settings for forwarding port 80.

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