I have setup my Laptop to be a Access point so others nearby can connect to it. Now, I would like to limit the speed to those users so they cannot overload the Internet connection with their requests.

How would I go about doing this in Windows XP.

Edit: I am following the instructions as described in this video.

1 Answer 1


Do you use NAT for sharing your Internet access or your computer works as a proxy?

In the first case you might want to try the following tool.

In the second case there are plenty of Proxy Servers that are free and support traffic shaping. Once I used the CCProxy on my computer with similar purposes.

  • I "think" I am using proxy. Basically I am doing what I described on a different post, to which you have replied already ;). Does that one count as proxy? Commented Dec 27, 2011 at 6:46

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