I'm using the 7-Zip commandline to extract a ZIP archive called abc.zip which is an archive with a folder called 'zipper' with three text files in it (a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt).

My problem is when I extract it with the following command:

7z e C:\abc\abc.zip -y oC:\abc

7-Zip extracts everything, but it doesn't extract the folder 'zipper', it just extracts a.txt, b.txt and c.txt and puts them in the output destination (that is, C:\abc).

How can I make 7-Zip just extract the actual folder?

4 Answers 4


You need to use 7z x archive.zip to extract with full paths. See: http://sevenzip.sourceforge.jp/chm/cmdline/commands/extract_full.htm

  • +1 thought the switch -e would be sufficient. Commented Feb 19, 2020 at 2:51

There should probably be a hyphen in front of the o:


Also consider the -r option for recursion.


I had to solve a similar problem. Here is the code I used. This script receives a folder and unzips all zips (and deletes them afterwards). The trick is to unzip the data into a special folder. A little bit edgy but it works...

@echo off

set SEVEN_ZIP_HOME=C:\Program Files\7-Zip

set TEMPDIR=temp

set WORKING_DIR="%1"

if "%WORKING_DIR%"==""  set WORKING_DIR=%~dp0


if not exist %TEMPDIR% md %TEMPDIR%

for %%i in ("%WORKING_DIR%\*.zip") do call :unzipAndDelete "%%i"


goto :end


set ZIP_FILE=%~1

call :extractName %ZIP_FILE%

call "%SEVEN_ZIP_HOME%\7z.exe" e "%ZIP_FILE%" -o./%TEMPDIR%

copy .\%TEMPDIR%\*.* %FILENAME%.log

del .\%TEMPDIR%\*.* /q

del "%ZIP_FILE%"

goto :end


set FILENAME=%~n1
goto :end


Be careful with considering -r The doc explicitly says :-)

Recurse subdirectories (CAUTION: this flag does not do what you think, avoid using it)

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