I'm having issues with the del command in a batch file. When it gets to the delete step I get the message "Access is denied". My batch command looks something like this.

set destPath=\\Public01\Appl\CompOps\Jobs\

robocopy . "%destPath%" *.dtsx *.dev *.prod *.ppro /IS

pushd "%destPath%"
del *.dtsConfig
ren *.dev .

Enter image description here

I can browse to the directory and delete the files without any problem in Windows Explorer.

I tried running as administrator, but still the same issue.

4 Answers 4


To force a del command to delete read-only files, add the /F flag.

Apparently, a read-only file cannot normally be deleted by a batch file, although it can still be deleted through Windows Explorer. To check if your file is read-only, you can right click on the file and select properties, or enter attrib <filename> at the command prompt. This will show a series of letters corresponding to different file attributes.

R = Read-only file
A = Archive file
S = System file
H = Hidden file

You can remove the read-only tag by unchecking the box in the properties window or running the command attrib <filename> -R.

  • unfortunately that does not fix the problem, i'll update my question to include your suggestion though.
    – agradl
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 20:05
  • Try putting pause before the del command, and then try deleting it through Windows Explorer while it's paused.
    – SaintWacko
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 20:11
  • I found the solution, however if you wish to edit your answer to include some suggestions in addition to my solution I'd be happy to mark it as the answer
    – agradl
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 20:15
  • Alright, is that information retroactively helpful? :)
    – SaintWacko
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 20:37
  • I'm sure it will be helpful when I forget about this problem months from now :)
    – agradl
    Commented Dec 7, 2011 at 20:42

After experimenting with the options available to the "del" command I discovered that the files I was attempting to delete were read-only. To resolve the problem I could either edit the files to remove the read-only attribute, or specify the /F option.

Final script is

set destPath=\\Public01\Appl\CompOps\Jobs\

robocopy . "%destPath%" *.dtsx *.dev *.prod *.ppro /IS

pushd "%destPath%"
del /F *.dtsConfig
ren *.dev .

Simple solution, but a misleading error message. Hopefully this helps someone else.

  • If you can only read it, an access denied sounds about right to me.
    – surfasb
    Commented Dec 8, 2011 at 6:23

What worked for my Windows 8.1 PC:

First of all close Windows Explorer by:

Press Ctrl + Alt + Del for opening Task Manager, go to processes, find Windows Explorer, right click, and end task. Don't worry if start bar is gone and something else. Use Alt + Tab for traversing between files. Then in Task Manager click File and Run new task, and type cmd. This will open you a Command Line.

Inside the Terminal:

If your version is 32 bit, and it is in my case, it's located in Program Files (x86), so you should type:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\git-cheetah"
regsvr32 /u git_shell_ext64.dll

This was for unregistering.

You can traverse between directories using cd directoryname and you can get back one directory by cd ... For viewing what is in a directory you can type dir in when you are in that directory. For deleting the file type:

del /F filename

After that again open the Task Manager, go to File, then run explorer . This way you will get to usual display. Go to the Git folder which we wanted to get rid of and delete it simply.

I hope this works for other people who are using Windows 8.1.


Had this problem and turned out Avast was denying my batch file. All I had to do was add the .bat file to the exception list on Avast.

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