I have a lot of handwritten notes on my desk. I'd like to scan them in once a week and have the handwritten notes recognised and stored in Evernote, in order to have a full text search for all the notes.

I read that this is possible but cannot figure out how to do this. Any ideas?

If Evernote isn't the right tool to do this are there other options?

1 Answer 1


Evernote does allow searching of text within images. Are you hoping it would provide a text version of the scanned images? I don't believe it does that. If you open the scanned image and search it for a word you should find it will highlight the word in the image itself.

  • You are right. I does find most of the things I'm looking for. Thanks for the answer.
    – BetaRide
    Commented Nov 24, 2011 at 15:00

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