Where can I change the search keywords that I've added with "Add a Keyword for this Search..." ?

I've set "m" for google maps (which doesn't work by the way), and I'd like to change it to metacritic. Simply overriding or deleting the original google maps bookmark doesn't work.

The keywords are also not listed in: "Manage Search Engines".

1 Answer 1


You can manage your Firefox 'search engines' in the bookmarks library located under Firefox > Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks.


You can enable the Keyword column under Views > Show Columns for convenience.


  • 1
    Thanks. Especially for the hint with the column view. The problem was that I had added google maps "m" twice and only deleted one of the entries.
    – Fabian
    Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 20:30
  • Strangely this entry in the "Show Columns" menu appears to be gone in Firefox 64.
    – bgamari
    Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 19:49

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