I have a Ubuntu Server 11.04 64 bit VM running on VMware Player 3.1.4 that only shows a black screen. No matter what I try, the screen remains black. The VM has worked the first time.

When I reset the machine, it shows the VMware loader and a flickering _ for about a second. Then the screen turns black again.

VM settings:

Memory: 512MB
Processors: 1
HD: 20GB
CD: auto detect
Floppy: auto detect
Network adapter: NAT
USB controller: present
soundcard: auto detect
printer: present
display: auto detect

I just created a fresh VM and the same happens, so it seems that the problem is consistent.

  • Is this a fresh installation? Has it worked before? What are your virtual machine settings? Is anything mounted in the virtual disk drive? It'll be good to have more details.
    – Jin
    Commented Sep 26, 2011 at 9:15
  • I tried ubuntu desktop, that seems to work sofar? Commented Sep 27, 2011 at 13:11

4 Answers 4


I doubt it might work. You may wish to have a look here:



I've seen a similar behaviour when you suspend the host OS while running a VM and later awaken it. I know it sounds silly, but have you tried rebooting your PC?


This type of behavior can occur if you install a 64 bit OS VM into a host environment that can only support 32 bit architecture VMs. Double check you VM/host environments. You can test this by installing (known good) 32 bit version of the same distro.


Just corrected this problem with Debian 7.5 and enabling hardware acceleration in VMWare Player machine settings.

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