After a week or so of using Arch Linux I cant access the Internet. It takes around 5 mins to load Google (most of the other websites just give me a timeout), pacman’s downloading speed range between 5-2Kbs, and pinging google takes around 9Kms.

I’m connected using wireless network (Wi-Fi card is Intel Ultimate 6300 and router is Edimax 6524n).

Every other Windows machine that's connected to the network (and even the T410 running Windows) is fine, so the problem lies in Linux.

So far, i checked the resolv.conf file (my router IP address is listed), and the hosts file (pretty much default), and I disabled the IPv6 module.

None of that helped.

I'm using NetworkManager (but the problem still occurs when connecting using wicd) running on Gnome3.

Also, something really strange happens whenever I ping Google: I get an unknown host 'google.com', but the bit rate from the card jumps at the exact second I ping google (so far, the bit rate jumped to 54Mb/s from 1Mb/s over the course of 4 pings).

  • please be specific: 1. Did it work before? If yes, what did you do? There is the file /var/log/pacman.log, which lists all your install/uninstall operations. Browse it. 2. The file /etc/resolve.conf should contain at least one nameserver with an ip. Try to ping this ip, what's the response?
    – Sebastian
    Commented Jun 1, 2011 at 10:05
  • Please post the output of dmesg | grep -i iwlagn.
    – Patches
    Commented Jun 1, 2011 at 10:06
  • @Sebastian 1. It did work before, but I had to reinstall Arch. 2. The /etc/resolve.conf lists my router IP, which acts as my DNS server.
    – GZaidman
    Commented Jun 1, 2011 at 10:09
  • @Patches pastebin.com/Pmhi6swv
    – GZaidman
    Commented Jun 1, 2011 at 10:29

2 Answers 2


Here are some things to try:

  • Ping the IP directly (i.e. ping Is the responses quicker? If yes, it's probably a DNS issue.
  • Connect via an Ethernet cord (Wired). If the response is quicker you might have a driver issue or some software issue concerning your wireless card.
  • Run wireshark and then ping. Is your ICMP package sent at all? This will display some wireless network issues.
  • Run strace ping, by looking over the output you'll be able to determine some software issues (like, not being able to bind to a socket).

Are you sure you did set your Host Name in /etc/rc.conf and also in /etc/hosts to the same name? I.e., edit /etc/hosts and add the same HOSTNAME as you entered in /etc/rc.conf.

This is usually the cause of lack of network connectivity :)


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