I just installed a pre-GA version of Fedora 15 and yum repolist is OK I want to install software via yum. yum can find the desired package, but when downloading, yum reports HTTP Error 404 Not Found for all mirror list. I checked then found there is no repository for Fedora 15 at all. For example, the download ling points to 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/15/Everything/i386/..., but there is no '15' under releases.

Should I wait until Fedora 15 released in May 24? Is there any workaround? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


A simple Google search:


Since Fedora 15 is still in beta, not all mirrors have the repository up and running.

This one seems to have all the stuff you need.


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