I use ArchLinux and Xfce 4.8

when in xfce4-session-manager I select Reboot or ShutDown my computer just logout.

To turn it off i have to use e.g. 'halt' in terminal.

It began a few days ego. Someone can help me ?

  • This happened to me a couple days ago since doing a full system upgrade, did you find anything out?
    – nak
    Commented Oct 22, 2012 at 3:29

1 Answer 1


I had once a similar problem with a fresh installation. There was something missing re PolicyKit/ConsoleKit (can't remember the details, sorry, but it should be fairly easy to check you have all the packages you need). Also I had to modify ~/.xinitrc to launch XFCE with this command:

exec ck-launch-session startxfce4

I hope this helps.

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